Monday, December 2, 2013

My Christmas Wish

I've always loved Christmas. All the sparkle and lights make me giddy. I've been looking forward to having our first Christmas in our new home since we first found it. I was planning on where to put our tree before the other owner's furniture was even gone.

Now that's it's here, I'm not as joyful as I had hoped. I'm trying, though. I'm grasping at every little bit of holiday cheer that I can.

I have a lot to look forward to in the next month. First, a friend is coming to visit for a long weekend. The next weekend, my nephew and his family will be here to celebrate Christmas. Then, on Christmas Eve, my niece and her family are coming and will spend the night with us.

My wish for the season is that I'm able to be in the moment for all of these events. They will be so full of fun and love; I don't want to miss out on that. I feel like I'm missing out on so much by spending so much time and effort fighting depression. I miss life.

That's all I want for Christmas.


  1. Be sure to come to my cookie party! It's always nice and low-key no matter how many people are there. I decorate the house and the cats and dog make everyone welcome. :)

  2. Hugs dear friend. Depression is so sad. Yes, you are missing out and it must be very hard to realize that but unable to do anything about it. Time friend - take each new day as it comes. Do what you can and hopefully you'll enjoy some of it.
